Friday, December 25, 2009

Dec 25th ...Christmas, Mud Flap Girls and Glass

Well, today was Christmas ..... My son and I went to the Movies with my Mom and Stepdad....out Christmas outing as it were. Sherlock Holmes....good movie.

My son wanted to go work on his "Chrome Ho" guitar, aka Mudflap girl he is making, and today he laid it out on Diamond Plate (for me to cut....ugh, this thing is gonna get plasma cut)
I worked on the glass and some other odds and ends. Glass is in , Tiger has its "roof stripes"

Finshed up the package tray "firewalling" over the speaker holes. Dosent seem like a "firewall" without the trunk is sealed.

Ill be honest, the last 2 days I couldnt have done without my son.....hes young thin and spry....when I screwed up the "pin" on the setting the rear window, he was in the back of the car through the cage so fast and did exactly what he needed to, guiding the steering shaft yesterday....and windshield setting today.....thanks champ.

Not much exciting, looked over some data logs of past 6.1 runs.....and cleaned globs of urethane sealer off of everything......damm this stuff is like roofing tar...why not the butyl ?

So......not much took it off our .'Hilbilly Lift' I dont trust jack stands...this is safter......but I have to cut carpet tommorow and finish the interior. Sooooo....just a bit of piddling around the shop

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