Thursday, November 26, 2009

Nov 26th TURKEY DAY !

Well happy Thanksgiving.

I left the house at about 5 and came to the shop to strip all the shit that wasnt supposed to come on the car. The sounddeading and sealer. I wonder who at Mopar I can bill for this ? False advertising ? Its on the spec sheet that it dosent have it.....ugh....just irritated.

In case you as another DP owner are wondering how much is REALLY there ? Well, over 5 lbs in the trunk alone, most of that the deadener panels, (about 2/3)

Im going to assume 10 lbs at least overall probably closer to 15......Thats 15 LBS I can relocated and do the car the way it was SUPPOSED to be, this stuff is hard as a rock, heat gun helps, the corners in the trunk are the hardest, my suggestion is cut chunks out there with a razor knife, and I am using a sharp wood chisel about 3/4 wide, a paint scraper is useless from what Ive seen. Maybe if yours dosent flex.

So tommorow more scraping, Saturday Trunk, Undercarriage and Interior H2K urethane sealer.

Sunday BC/CC on Trunk and Engine compartment, well it only took 4 hours to do the trunk right.....ugh...

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