Before I get to our efforts here at Thunder Valley, I thought I would finally share the pictures of the switches I put in to provide more absolute control over the windows. Here are two views of them, and as you can see, they fit in pretty well. And they work great too.
But now for the news folks... here we are at Thunder Valley Raceway Park in Noble Oklahoma..
The weather report for tomorrow is an 80% chance of rain, and we got a few sprinkles late today. As a result of the forecasts, todays Test N Tune runs were all the more important.
We probably could have gotten more runs in, but we really only wanted to know a little bit about the track and weathers, and there is no sense just running and running and beating up the car. So we didn't push real hard.We did get two runs, one pretty good one, considering the air was not good for racing today and another one that was revealing, but did not go as we expected. We made just one change, to replace our exhaust collectors with another set that we thought might add some low end torque... And it took a bit longer than expected, so we were hurrying to get done before the Test N Tune ended.
So , we got the new collectors installed, got in line, and by then had decided that we would run in C/SA here, so while we were waiting in the staging area for our run, we got our car teched in for the race tomorrow. When you tech in, you have to declare your class, and we could have teched it earlier in the day, but we were still deciding what class to run.
After finishing tech, we went up for our run. We had a nice burnout, and I was recording the run. The car staged, and started out, and then, in racing terms, it blew the tires off. In other words, we spun the rear tires big time...
So the question now is what caused us to spin like that when our previous run hooked pretty good? Could our collector change had added so much low end torque that it caused the problem? Or, could it be that we had too much air in our rear tires? We had increased it since our last race as on that track, we felt we needed more air. Or, was it just because we ran in the right lane this time, and had run in the left last time? Who knows? We cant fix the track, so we it doesnt really matter. That is part of racing. And if we have more torque, we find that out tomorrow if we lower the rear tire pressure.
It certainly is possible that it was combination of a slick track, the increased torque, and tire pressure. And it is likely that we too much air pressure since at our last track we were too low so had added some air pressure, and it could be too much. So we will drop a couple pounds of pressure, and then we will just see what happens tomorrow.
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